It's Summer in Mexico!


Just a quick note to send you all love and good vibrations here from the Riveria Nayarit in Mexico!

It is summertime and sultry is the word that comes to mind. The air is thick and still. The oean is warm. A few minutes walking on the street and my skin gets that slick sheen of golden sun glow and sweat.

The waves have been really small the last few days but the ocean is sweet, glassy and clear.

Town is quiet and most of the transient population has gone home for the season. The pace is slow, the heat makes things even slower.

There is something to be said for adapting to your environment and sometimes the environment demands adaption.

This summer I am yielding, surrending and easing into flow. Slow enough to chat on the street with whom ever I pass. To slip off my shorts and swim in the sea waves or not. To savour the simple pleasure of biting into a fresh juicy mango or refreshing myself from the heat with an ice cold bubbly limonada.

We are gearing up to welcome our next crew of intrepid retreaters in September and until then… slow and steady.. Happy Summer to you all. We love you!